:: Victorian Love ::
Just returned from my first visit to Melbourne. It was only three days (barely). I almost cried as the plane took off. I walked, nay, dragged myself through Brisbane's Domestic Terminal and I wanted to turn back around. Sis and boyfriend came to pick me up. When I got home, the dog went ballistic, seems he missed me. Can't say the same. I walked into my room and I felt... disdain. I felt repulsed by it, and caged. A strong need to be 'elsewhere'. I do realize that this could be a 'fancy', like when I fell in love with Sydney, initially. However, Melbourne reminded me of the 'world' I knew growing up. It was very European in ambient. In comparison, I spent 10 days in Tokyo. Loved that city - to bits. I was as depressed when I returned then (Apr '08), as though I'd had my heart broken/torn out by some crush/love. This one, feels like that, after only three days. Pretty scary. I think it was my third taste, this one more pronounced since it's st...