
Showing posts from July, 2010

:: Literal Impressions ~ July ::

Book: “Poison Study” Author: Maria V. Snyder Publisher: MIRA Books Opinion: At first I thought this book was going to be boring. It has a somewhat more relaxed feel than what I'm used to. I couldn't have been more wrong. It's speed isn't anything to discriminate it for. In fact - I rather welcome a book that will maintain my interest, without depriving me of the power to think about life outside its pages. (Eg. Queen of the Damned) Poison Study simply has a slower tempo, but I think that's a false feeling as it eats away at you as the substance in its title, rising to a small burning that draws your interest in. In this book, we are introduced to Yelena, a young woman condemned to hanging for a crime of murder. Though, was it? As she gets a lucky break, we become aware that things aren't exactly black and white - there is more to Yelena's terrible transgression to Ixia's Code than other characters may think. In this lukewarm thriller, surprises are...

.: Optical Impressions ~ July 0.2 :.

This dvd was sitting on my 'To Watch' shelf for the last three years. I'd come down with a bad cold and yesterday, as an evening relaxation, I shoved it in the player. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised - after being bombarded with very mixed messages about this film. This film was just as good as I was originally told (Thanks, sis! ^^) and more. Had I known the producer was J. J. Abrams himself, I would've had much more faith. I've never disliked anything this guy puts out with the exception of the television series "Lost", which, to be honest, I don't know whether I like, since I've never actually seen more than fifteen minutes, in between channel surfing. After an official-looking message from the US government, we are treated with the beginning a home video. You follow these two initial characters to the culmination of a farewell party for the camera operator's (and turns out, the rightful owner of the camera), brother. ...

.: Optical Impressions ~ July 0.1 :.

So I saw Eclipse, the other night, with the Jchan. It was awesome! I walked in with little expectations, as per our growing ritual, and only recalled small bits from the teaser I'd seen many months back. So worth it. The wolves are looking even more amazing. Bella and Edward have some normalcy about them. It was the "Finally - they're getting it right!" movie. In my opinion, this just proves how an inexperienced (horribly so), director like the first movie's, can completely kill a script with mild-potential by not directing the actors properly. How else can one explain the vast improvement in New Moon, and the easy, realistic flow of the actors/story-plot, in this movie? It no longer looked like some backwater indie movie and more like a film you'd be happy to see more than once in an overpriced cinema. I actually loved Bryce Dallas Howard (left) as the new Victoria. Her sweet, child-like voice fits her better than Rachelle Lefevre , as does her cute cherubim...

:: Literal Impressions ~ June ::

Book: “Bo ne Crossed” Author: Patricia Briggs Publisher: Atom UK Opinion: Once again, we join the ever charming Mercedes, the VW Mechanic of the Tri-cities. In this volume, we see a softer side of Mercy's, as she becomes attached to a little boy. Mercy also manages to enrage the queen of the local vampire seethe, and Marsillia is one ruthless cookie. I really enjoyed the climax of this book but managed to stretch the book over a week so as not to finish it too quickly. I especially loved the showdown with the whole vampire seethe in attendance. No matter how often I’m reminded that in Brigg’s creation, the vamp’ers are truly evil, yet how can it be so, with someone like Stefan? Who could resist liking him, if only for his obsession with Scooby Doo. I do love this series. “Gimmie… Gimmie more… Gimmie, gimmie more…” ======================================================= Book: “The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner – An Eclipse Novella” Author: Stephenie Meyers Publisher: At...