: > Previews ~ September < :

Kelley's publishers have released the cover art for the first book in the upcoming "Darkness Rising" trilogy, also known as book four in the Darkest Powers series.
This series will see a bunch of new kids also connected with the Edison Group.
The North American cover is really beautiful, keeping in line with the previous three, however this one now shows the person's face. The colours are blue tones with the earring being highlighted. I wonder if it will bear any relevance to the main character, Maya, as the gem did to Chloe.
I really am in love with this cover.

The UK publisher, on the other hand, has decided to go with their own design. Where have I seen this before?
Orbit pulled this stunt at the start of the Darkest Powers trilogy and whilst I had no problems with their design, they quickly changed back to the US covers, but thankfully re-released the first book with the US cover.
I just hope they don't do that again. I'd rather they have kept the same cover - I do like the North American better, but this one is pretty good. Better yet, than the one they initially released "The Summoning" with.

Original UK cover // Reprint cover, using NA design
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